Attenuation may be set for 0, 10, 20 or 30 dB.

Other refinements include: Noise Blanker, S and Center Tune Meter, RF Attenuator, LCD Dimmer, Clock-Timer, Record Jack and Recorder Activation Jack, Selectable AGC and Main Dial Tension adjustment. And what a memory system! 1000 channels are available organized in 20 banks of 40 channels, plus 100 skip channels and 100 Auto Write Memories. Direct keypad frequency entry is available. In addition you can program your own tuning step (0.5-199.5 kHz). The R8500 employs a PLL circuit which provides tuning and readout resolution to an amazing 10 Hz. Separate band pass filters minimize cross modulation and provide high sensitivity in the 0.1 to 30 MHz range. Triple conversion and advanced RF circuits achieve an improved dynamic range of 107 dB and an intercept point of 27.5 dBm. The APF can select between two bandwidths and serves as a tone control in the FM mode and can also selectively boost signals in the CW mode. The IF shift effectively rejects nearby signals in the SSB modes. This receiver is equipped with IF Shift and Auto Peak Filter functions.

Reception modes include: AM, LSB, USB, CW, FM-N and FM-W. The R8500 (and R9500) are clear exceptions to this rule, combining the performance of the popular HF IC-R75 and venerable VHF/UHF IC-R7100. Most wideband receivers tend to perform only modestly below 30 MHz. Covering 100 kHz to 1999.99 MHz, this receiver does cover it all and more importantly it does it well throughout this extraordinary range. The Icom IC-R8500 -32K government receiver produces performance, coverage and sophistication rarely seen in other models. Specifications | Accessories | Display | Rear Panel | Larger Image In order to buy an IFace use the buttons below.Icom R8500 Wideband Receiver, Icom IC-R8500 The use of PTT signal is not required because this radio is a receiver. The following images show the sampling point for the IF signal and for the power supply for the buffer interface. We now proceed to identify the exact points on the printed circuit board where to take the IF signal to be sent to the IFace.

The following image shows the portions of the schematic diagram of the IF UNIT where we can see the exact points where to sample the IF signal and the power supply. The following image shows the block diagram of the radio and where to get the IF signal. The IF frequency chosen is 10.7 MHz and our SDR panadapter will be tuned to this. We are interested in the second IF frequency (this makes it easier to operate the panadapter). This radio uses several mixers with complex architecture. The operations to be carried out are very simple, it is sufficient to obtain from its wiring diagram the information on the points where the IF signal has to be taken. Our buffer interface named IFace can be used to add an SDR panadapter to the Icom IC-R8500.