ISO 90003 - Guidance for the application of ISO 9001 to software. Suggested Software Standards ISO/ IEC 12207 - Software Life Cycle Systems and software engineering - Software life cycle processes. JSP 747 - Information Management Policy and Protocols. JSP 745 - Ministry of Defence Web Publishing Policy. JSP 740 - Acceptable Use Policy for Users of MOD Information Technology and telecommunications networks (MOD IT and Telecoms). JSP 717 - Using the MOD Metadata Standard. It draws on the Government wider Security Policy guidance produced by the Cabinet Office Security Policy Division. JSP 440 is the single MOD reference on Security Policy issued under the Authority of DGS&S. JSP 440 - The Defence Manual of Security. MOD Corporate Internet Accessibility Policy. Section 26 exempts information that, if disclosed, would, or wouldīe likely to, prejudice the capability, effectiveness or security of the Armed Forces.Information Technology and Security Requirements. Section 26(1)(b) (Defence) of the FOIA Act

Public interest test is the said document / Manual is already in the public public domain. If that is the case i would ask that you under take A public interest test will be conducted on these grounds. I assume you will potentially respond with that section as possible grounds to withhold said document / Manual. Most specifically, i'm looking for volumes 1, 2 and 3 Issue 2. The document, known in the services as the "JSP 440" ("Joint Services Publication 440"), was referenced by the RAF Digby investigation team as the protocol justification for the monitoring of Wikileaks, as mentioned in "UK Ministry of Defence continually monitors WikiLeaks: eight reports into classified UK leaks, ".

I am looking for a copy of the following document "JSP 440".