Naskah drama timun mas bahasa sunda
Naskah drama timun mas bahasa sunda

Masih banyak sederetan cerita rakyat yang memang diperuntukkan bagi anak-anak. Roro Jonggrang, Cerita Timun Mas, Si Pitung, Legenda Danau Toba, dan Cerita rakyat jaka tarub dan 7 bidadari dalam bahasa inggris merupakan sederetan cerita rakyat yang ada di Indonesia. She forgave Purbararang and her fiance and let them stay in the palace.Cerita rakyat adalah cerita pada masa lampau yang menjadi ciri khas setiap bangsa yang memiliki kultur budaya yang beraneka ragam mencakup kekayaan budaya dan sejarah yang dimiliki masing-masing bangsa. He was even more handsome than Indrajaya.Purbasari then became the queen.

naskah drama timun mas bahasa sunda

Suddenly, Lutung Kasarung changed into a very a handsome man. She knew Purbararangs fiance, Indrajaya, was handsome. If my fiance is more handsome than yours, then I will be the queen, said Purbararang.Purbasari was sad. The king then measured his daughters hair. She then said, Those who have longer hair will be the queen. She knew she had to come up with another bad idea.

naskah drama timun mas bahasa sunda

After that, she asked Lutung Kasarung to accompany her to go back to the palace.Purbararang was very shocked. He made a small lake and asked her to take a bath there. His name was Sanghyang Gurumina.Lutung Kasarung planned to help Purbasari. It was not just an ordinary monkey, he had magical power. Everyday she spent her time playing with some animals there.There was one monkey that always tried to cheer her up. Instead, you have to leave this palace and stay in a jungle, said Purbararang. Together they went to a witch and asked her to put a spell on Purbasari. Purbararang then set a bad plan with her fiance, Indrajaya. But the king still chose Purbasari to be the next queen.

naskah drama timun mas bahasa sunda naskah drama timun mas bahasa sunda

Its supposed to be me, not her! said Purbararang. You cannot ask her to be the queen, Father. He wanted Purbasari to replace him as the leader of the kingdom.Hearing this, Purbararang was angry. Prabu Tapa Agung planned to retire as a king. He had two daughters, Purbararang and Purbasari. The Story Of Lutung KasarungPrabu Tapa Agung was an old king.

Naskah drama timun mas bahasa sunda